Home » The Most Refreshing Mint Lemonade Recipe

The Most Refreshing Mint Lemonade Recipe

Two glasses of beautifully garnished green mint lemonade

Are you looking for the perfect hot summer day refresher? Then look no further than this delicious mint lemonade. To me, it is a classic rustic drink, it has such summer vibes. I love it so much more than store-bought lemonades and sodas. Additionally, the freshness of this drink, as well as the control over sweetness and flavor, make it so much better. Also, you can even make it entirely sugar-free!

Also, it is fun and easy to make, and homemade always tastes best. This lemonade is a refresher to impress your friends with! Due to the mint, the lemonade has a vibrant, light green color, making it look refreshing and delicious! But enough talking. Let’s make ourselves some delicious mint lemonade!

Ingredients you need for making mint lemonade: 

The ingredients for mint lemonade on a wooden surface
  • Sugar
  • Organic Lemons
  • Fresh Mint 
  • Water 
  • Ice 

As you can see, the ingredient list is pretty short for this one. All of these ingredients are pretty cheap, making this a perfect budget recipe. Also, there are no unnecessary ingredients or preservatives in this mint lemonade. I like to go with plain white sugar for this one. In case you want to keep sugar out of your diet, you can reduce the amount or omit it altogether. The lemonade will still be a fantastic refresher, but it will be intense! You can also try using cane sugar, but I like the neutral taste of white sugar for this lemonade. 

Furthermore, I like to use organic lemons. I am including the zest of the lemons in this recipe. It adds a delicious depth of flavor! And, of course, you need mint for the mint lemonade. I like to go with a flavourful but mild mint variety like Moroccan mint. 

Inspirations for this mint recipe: 

I am drawing inspiration from limonana mint, the Middle Eastern, traditional version of lemonade. That’s where the idea for using mint is coming from. I can imagine that in the warm and dry Middle-Eastern climate, a mint lemonade will taste extra delicious. The Middle-Eastern flavors inspire additional ingredients: You can add some orange or rose blossom water for an additional touch if you like. 

Why this lemonade is the perfect refresher: 

This mint lemonade strikes, in my opinion, a delicious balance of sour, sweet, and flavor. The mint adds some natural refreshing properties to this drink. By blending the mint and lemon zest, the lemonade takes the intense flavors of the oils from the mint and lemon. 

Mint Lemonade Recipe: 

Making the mint lemonade is super easy. Preparation is simple: Give the mint and the lemons a thorough wash, and you can start making the lemonade. 

Regarding equipment, you need a high-power blender to make this mint lemonade. Add the sugar and mint to the blender. Now, you need to make a choice: Depending on the intensity of flavor you desire, you have different options for the lemon. The lightest version is only adding the juice of the lemon. Pure lemon juice gives you a light and straightforward lemonade flavor. 

Otherwise, you can add the lemons and the zest. The zest adds some delicious oils to the lemonade, leading to a deeper flavor. I think adding lemon zest makes this lemonade so much better! 

The prepared ingredients together in a blender

Lastly, you can go the lazy route, which I did today. I sliced the lemons and added them with zest. The white parts under the zest contribute bitterness, which some people may find off-putting in their lemonade. My lemons aren’t too intense, and I enjoy the light bitterness. It has something refreshing about it, especially if the lemonade is served ice-cold! 

Once you have decided how to add your lemon, top the ingredients with some cold water and get the blender going. Blend the mint lemonade until it seems well combined. 

The unstrained mint lemonade in the blender

After a minute, you will see the pulp and liquid separate. The lemonade tastes best strained. Pour it through a fine steel strainer, a coffee filter, or a cheesecloth. 

Mint lemonade serving suggestions: 

That is all there is to making this delicious mint lemonade. This drink is best enjoyed cold: Pour a glass of lemonade over ice and enjoy your hot summer day! 

You can also decide to spice it up: You can add some alcohol if you want to turn it into a delicious long drink!

If you have some mint lemonade left, don’t worry. Just pour it into a bottle and keep it sealed in the fridge. It will stay fresh for 4-5 days at least! If you want to store it for longer, you can also make lemonade ice cubes and freeze them. 

Another delicious way of enjoying this homemade mint lemonade is to make a refreshing slush. Blitz some lemonade with a few cups of ice cubes, if your blender can handle that. This lemonade slush is as refreshing as it gets. 

Two glasses of mint lemonade with ice, garnished with mint and lemon wedge

One of my favorites is to make the lemonade itself pretty strong and intense, almost like a concentrate. Then, I dilute it and use it as I like when serving it. For example, I usually either top it with sparkling water or make this delicious lemonade slush! In my opinion, the little sparkle takes the lemonade to the next level. 

Some more Refreshing Drinks for a Hot Summer Day: 

Some more Summer Recipe Inspirations? 

Here you have a selection of delicious foods that would go super well with a glass of iced mint lemonade on a hot summer evening! I know, these are quite a lot of pasta recipes. I think nice, fresh, perfectly cooked pasta is hard to beat during summer! 

I hope you enjoyed this mint lemonade recipe. I simply can’t get enough of it. When diluted with some sparkling water, I even drink it when doing sports! It is just the perfect thing to cool yourself off with. But let me know what you think about this mint lemonade recipe in the comments! 

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Two glasses of mint lemonade with ice, garnished with mint and lemon wedge

The Most Refreshing Mint Lemonade Recipe

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This easy mint lemonade is the perfect summer refresher. Made with only a few ingredients, this lemonade is super easy to make!

  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 2 liters 1x



120g (0.6 cups) sugar (white)

2 organic lemons

Leaves from 8 stalks of mint

2l (0.5 gallon) water


Give the mint and the lemons a thorough wash.

Add the sugar and mint to your blender. Next, add either just the juice of the lemons, the lemon juice and lemon zest, or simply slices of lemon to the blender. Adding the slices will make the lemonade a bit more bitter, but still delicious.

Top the ingredients with some cold water and get the blender going. Blend the mint lemonade until it seems well combined.

After a minute, you will see the pulp and liquid separate. The lemonade tastes best strained. Pour it through a fine steel strainer, a coffee filter, or a cheesecloth. 

Enjoy it with some ice cubes.


You can further dilute the lemonade. I like to use sparking water!

Also, you can combine the lemonade with a few cups of ice cubes, and blend it into a slush. This is probably the most refreshing way to enjoy this lemonade.

You can adjust the sugar based on your personal preference. If you find the lemonade too intense, you can simply further dilute it, or adjust the ratios to your liking.

  • Author: Ivo
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: drink, beverage
  • Cuisine: international
  • Diet: Vegan

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