Home » Passion Fruit Water Kefir Recipe

Passion Fruit Water Kefir Recipe

Passion fruit water kefir in a fermentation bottle with passion fruits around it

Passion fruit water kefir is a deliciously refreshing drink. The tangy flavor of passion fruit goes so well with the fermented kefir flavor. It is super easy and quick to make, and it is a refresher you won’t want to miss during the summer months. 

What is Water Kefir?

Water kefir is a fermented beverage made with water kefir grains and sugar water. These grains are a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) that consumes sugars during the fermentation process, creating a delicious, bubbly probiotic drink. As the drink continues to ferment, it is possible to introduce other flavors during secondary fermentation. In this recipe, I am adding passion fruit nectar to give the kefir a delicious twist.

I made about four liters of this drink for a party with my friends, and it was gone in no time! 

Ingredients for making Passion Fruit Water Kefir: 

Ingredients for making passion fruit water kefir
  • 4 cups of freshly brewed water kefir
  • 1 cup of passion fruit juice or nectar 

You can also use fresh passion fruits to infuse the water kefir with flavor. I find passion fruit juice to work better and to be more convenient though. Through its higher sugar content, the water kefir continues to ferment better. Also, you won’t need to strain your water kefir before enjoying it when using fruit juice. 

Recipe for making Passion Fruit Water Kefir:

Making this passion fruit water kefir is super simple. First, we want to make the basic water kefir before infusing it with passion fruit flavor.

Primary Fermentation:

Making kefir is pretty simple when you have the kefir grains on hand. Dissolve sugar in water, add some lemon and raisins, and let it ferment for 24-48 hours in a fermentation jar. Still, there are quite a few things to consider and look out for: I’d recommend giving this ultimate guide to water kefir a read before starting any fermentations.

Secondary Fermentation: Introducing the Flavors!

During the secondary fermentation, flavors, and carbonation develop in the water kefir. Add the freshly fermented water kefir, together with the juice or optionally fresh passion fruit, to a clean fermentation jar. 

Let the water kefir ferment for 24-48 hours until it reaches a flavor you like. The secondary fermentation time will depend on the strength of your kefir, the temperature, and your taste preference. I’d recommend regularly burping the bottles to avoid explosions.

Once satisfied with the flavor, keep the bottles chilled to slow further fermentation. Still, the drink will continue to develop, so I recommend consuming it soon after you think it is ready! 

Let me know what you think about this water kefir recipe in the comments below!

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Passion fruit water kefir in a fermentation bottle with passion fruits around it

Passion Fruit Water Kefir Recipe

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Passion fruit water kefir is a delicious fermented beverage you can make at home. It’s a perfect probiotic refresher for a hot summer day.

  • Total Time: 24-48 hours
  • Yield: 5 servings 1x



4 cup of freshly brewed water kefir

1 cup of passion fruit juice or nectar


Firstly, make a fresh brew of water kefir ready for secondary fermentation. If this is your first time making water kefir, check out this ultimate water kefir guide.

Add the freshly brewed water kefir together with the passion fruit juice to a fresh fermentation jar. 

Allow the mix to ferment for 24-48 hours until the kefir reaches a flavor you like.


This perfect fermentation time will depend on the strength of your kefir, the temperature, and your preference for taste.

I’d recommend regularly burping the bottles to avoid explosions.

  • Author: Ivo
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Fermentation Time: 24-48 hours
  • Category: Drink, beverage
  • Method: Fermentation
  • Cuisine: International

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