Home » Basil Lemonade Recipe

Basil Lemonade Recipe

Two beautifully garnished servings of basil lemonade

Are you looking for a new favorite summer drink? This delicious basil lemonade recipe might be the right choice for you. It’s super simple to make, incredibly refreshing, and has such a nostalgic feel to it. Let’s cool ourselves down with this refreshing drink!

What makes this Basil Lemonade so Delicious?

Basil makes an unexpectedly great addition to different drinks. No matter if for a boozy gin basil smash or a refreshing lemonade, this flavorful culinary herb gives the drink a certain something. If you like basil, you will probably also enjoy this lemonade recipe. It makes it so much more interesting. This recipe leaves a lot of customization. If you are not into basil, you can simply omit it and use it as a plain homemade lemonade recipe. Also, you can easily adapt the intensity and sweetness of your lemonade by varying the ratios of the ingredients.

Ingredients for this Basil Lemonade Recipe:

Three Amalfi lemons, fresh basil and sugar on a wooden table
  • Water
  • Lemons
  • Fresh Basil
  • Water

This recipe is as simple as it gets. Lemons and basil are, of course, the stars of this dish. I am using two medium-sized lemons. The choice of lemons and basil determines a lot of the final taste. I am using two delicious Amalfi Coast lemons today, one of the nicest lemon varieties.

As a sweetener, I am using simple, plain sugar. I find that its neutral flavor works fantastically for making lemonades. If you want a bolder taste, you might want to opt for organic cane sugar or a mix of both.

Basil Lemonade Recipe:

Two glasses of basil lemonade and a slided lemon garnished with fresh basil

For this recipe, you have a choice to make. There is no right or wrong, but it depends on your personal preference. You can make this lemonade with just the lemon juice, lemon juice, and zest, or also use some of the white inners from the lemon. I’d recommend using the juice and zest. Including the zest will infuse the lemonade with its delicious oils, giving it much more flavor.

Basil, sugar, lemons and water in blender

If you add the white pith, the lemonade will get an intense, slightly bitter flavor. Some people find it undesirable, but I like at least a hint of it in the lemonade. Also, the variety of lemons I am using today is not too intensely bitter, so I am adding a few whole slices of lemon to my mix. But I’d recommend starting it slow with the white pith so you don’t spoil your precious lemonade if you don’t like it.

Blended ingredients in front of a lake view

Once you have figured out which parts of the lemon you’d like to include in your lemonade, add the lemon, basil, sugar, and water to a mixer. Blend until the ingredients have been well combined and you are left with a beautifully light-green liquid.

Basil Lemonade in front of a dreamy lake view

After letting the basil lemonade settle for a minute, you can see the fibers floating on top, separating from the lemonade. Pour the lemonade through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Two servings of basil lemonade garnished with lemon and fresh basil

And that is all there is to it. Now, you are ready to enjoy your delicious homemade basil lemonade. My serving suggestion: Enjoy it ice-cold, poured over ice cubes. It doesn’t get more refreshing than this.

Some more Refreshing Inspirations:

I hope you enjoy this basil lemonade recipe. Let me know what you think in the comments below!


How long will basil lemonade keep:

As the acidity preserves the lemonade, it will easily keep for a week when stored in the fridge.

Can I make this recipe using store-bought lemon juice?

This recipe also works with store-bought lemon juice. I find it nicer to use fresh lemons, as they have more flavor, and you can add the zest, which makes this recipe special. But normal lemon juice will also give you a delicious, refreshing lemonade.

Can I customize this recipe:

You can easily customize this recipe by changing the amounts of lemon and sweetener or by adding other herbs or fruits of your choice before blending the lemonade. Feel free to be creative and explore variations of this recipe.

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Two servings of basil lemonade garnished with lemon and fresh basil

Basil Lemonade Recipe

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This delicious basil lemonade is super simple to make, incredibly refreshing, and has just such a nostalgic feel to it.  It is a perfect hot summer day recipe.

  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 5 servings 1x


Units Scale

90g (7 tbsp) sugar
2 lemons
20 leaves of basil
1l (4.2 cups) water


Add the lemon (juice, zest, pith, whichever you like to add), basil, sugar, and water to a mixer. Blend until the ingredients have been well combined and you are left with a beautifully light-green liquid. Check for taste, and adjust ratios based on your liking.

After letting the basil lemonade settle for a minute, you can see the fibers floating on top, separating from the lemonade. Pour the lemonade through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.


You can make this lemonade with just the lemon juice, lemon juice, and zest, or also use some of the white inners from the lemon. I’d recommend using the juice and zest. Including the zest will infuse the lemonade with its delicious oils, giving it much more flavor.

If you add the white pith, the lemonade will get an intense, slightly bitter flavor. Some people find it undesirable, but I like at least a hint of it in the lemonade.

 I’d recommend starting it slow with the white pith so you don’t spoil your precious lemonade if you don’t like it.

My serving suggestion: Enjoy it ice-cold, poured over ice cubes.

  • Author: Ivo
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Drink, beverage
  • Cuisine: International
  • Diet: Vegan

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