Home » Cucumber Lemon Mint Ice Cubes

Cucumber Lemon Mint Ice Cubes

A glass of water with cucumber lemon mint ice cubes and a straw stands on a pink wooden base. Next to the glass is are slices of cucumber, lemon, mint leaves and a napkin.

These ice cubes refresh not only with temperature but also with their flavor! The frozen cucumber juice with lemon and aromatic mint leaves elevates a regular glass of water to a delicious drink. This recipe is just perfect for when it’s getting really hot.

Half a lemon, a cucumber and mint leaves are lying on a pink wooden base.

Ingredients for making Cucumber Lemon Mint Ice Cubes

  • Cucumber
  • Lemon
  • Mint leaves

Needed Equipment:

  • Ice cube tray

My ice cube tray has 14 compartments and is 25cm (9,9inch) in length x 10cm (3,9inch) in width, and 3,3cm (1,3inch) in height. It has a nice silicon bottom making it super easy to get the ice cubes out. You can, of course, also use a different tray.

How to make Cucumber Lemon Mint Ice Cubes:

First, we peel and slice the cucumber. Next, put the slices in a blender until smooth. Pass the liquid through a paper coffee filter. This cucumber juice is fantastic for ice cubes. Its flavor is so refreshing!

A jug with cucumber juice and two bowls with pieces of lemon and mint leaves are standing on a pink wooden underground.

Next, cut the lemon into slices. Then, cut out wedges, avoiding the peel, white parts, and skin inside.

Give the mint a good clap to activate its flavor. This makes a big difference in taste. The mint will also start smelling super fragrant.

Now, we can fill the ice cube tray. Place a piece of our lemon and two mint leaves in each compartment and fill everything with cucumber juice to just below the maximum filling level of the tray. For the nicest visual presentation, put the mint leaves in facing downwards. Lastly, cover the ice cube tray and place it in the freezer for approximately 24 hours.

A ice cube mold with cucumber juice, pieces of lemon and mint leaves are standing on a pink wooden underground. Behind the ice cube mold are a cucumber and half a lemon.


When the liquid becomes a solid, its volume will increase. If you add too much water, the ice cubes will be sticking together, making it harder to get them out of the tray.

A bottle adds water into a glass with cucumber lemon mint ice cubes and a straw, that stands on a pink wooden base. Next to the glass is are slices of cucumber and lemon and a napkin.

These cucumber lemon mint ice cubes make a glass of water feel like a fancy drink. I find them to be extra delicious when enjoyed with sparkling water. Otherwise, they can also enhance a regular glass of neutral soda or tonic water for an alcohol-free drink! They work nicely for alcoholic beverages like gin and tonic as well.

I hope you enjoy these flavorful ice cubes. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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A glass of water with cucumber lemon mint ice cubes and a straw stands on a pink wooden base. Next to the glass is are slices of cucumber, lemon, mint leaves and a napkin.

Cucumber Lemon Mint Ice cubes

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These cucumber lemon mint ice cubes are an easy way to elevate a simple glass of water. They add a nice, refreshing flavor!

  • Total Time: 24 hours
  • Yield: 14 ice cubes 1x


Units Scale
  • 170ml cucumber juice
  • 1 lemon
  • 28 mint leaves


Peel and slice the cucumber. and puree the slices in a blender until smooth. Pass the liquid through a coffee filter so you have perfectly clear cucumber juice.

Cut the lemon into slices and cut out small pieces of its flesh. Wash the mint, pat it dry, and clap the leaves to activate their flavor.

Now fill the ice cube tray by placing a piece of our lemon and two mint leaves in each compartment. Fill them up with cucumber juice, just below the maximum filling level of the tray. Cover the ice cube tray and place in the freezer for approximately 24 hours.


Leave some space with the cucumber juice as it expands when freezing. This makes sure the ice cubes can be removed easily from the tray.

  • Author: Tanja
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Freeze Time: 24 hours
  • Category: Ice Cubes
  • Method: Freezing
  • Cuisine: International
  • Diet: Vegan

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