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Perfect Air-Fryer Potatoes

Crispy potatoes from the air fryer in a white ceramic bowl

Who wouldn’t love some perfect potatoes? Crunchy on the outside, soft and creamy on the inside. These air-fryer potatoes are potato heaven. This preparation is as simple as this recipe is delicious. The small, fresh potatoes can go whole into the air fryer. You don’t even need to peel them. It’s the easiest way of making potatoes in the air-fryer and my personal go-to. Simple seasoning and a touch of olive oil are all there is to this delicious recipe. Get ready for some seriously addictive air-fryer potatoes.

Ingredients for making Potatoes in the Air Fryer:

Small young potatoes (Drillinge), Salt, Pepper and Dried Rosemary in ceramic bowls
  • Potatoes (small & young)
  • Salt & pepper
  • Dried rosemary
  • Olive oil

The ingredient list for this recipe is short & simple; There is no special sauce to this recipe. The most important is to choose the right kind of potatoes. If you want to try this kind of preparation, you will need young, waxy potatoes with a thin skin. I went with a German sort called “Drillinge” today. The potatoes were approximately 2.5 inches max in size. If you are using bigger potatoes, you can cut them in half. This recipe turns out best using young small potatoes though.

Aside from that, you will only need salt, pepper, and rosemary for seasoning. A little heat-resistant olive oil will help the potatoes crisp up nicely.

How to make Air Fryer Potatoes:

Give the potatoes a thorough wash. As we are going to leave the peel on, we want them nice and clean. Dry them with a clean kitchen towel before transferring them to a bowl.

Next, add the olive oil, salt & pepper, and dried rosemary. Toss the potatoes so they get an even coating of oil and seasoning.

Potatoes in a black air fryer

Add the potatoes to your air fryer. This recipe works best if you don’t overfill the air fryer. I’d recommend splitting them into two batches and warming up the first before serving if you make more potatoes. We want a nice crust on the potatoes and for this, you need some space in the air fryer.

Roasted young potatoes in the air fryer basket

Fry them at 200° C (400° F) for about 20 minutes. Give them a good toss 10 minutes in to ensure they crisp up evenly.

Serving Suggestions:

These potatoes taste best if served right away. If you make multiple batches, reheat them in the air-fryer or keep them warm in the oven. You can, of course, make these potatoes for meal prep. Still, they will lose their crunch and get a bit more chewy. So, I’d recommend serving them right away!

A close up of deliciously crispy golden potatoes

A seriously underrated way of serving these potatoes is with a fresh pesto. This mixed herb pesto or wild garlic pesto goes incredibly well with these roasted potatoes.

I hope you enjoyed this air fryer potato recipe. Let me know how you liked them in the comments!

Some Recipe Suggestions:

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Crispy potatoes from the air fryer in a white ceramic bowl

Perfect Air-Fryer Potatoes

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These air-fryer potatoes are as simple to make as they are delicious. They have a delicious crunch and a tasty rosemary flavor.

  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x



1 kg potatoes (small & young)

1 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp dried rosemary

1 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper


Give the potatoes a thorough wash. Pat them dry and transfer them to a bowl.

Add the olive oil, salt & pepper, and dried rosemary. Toss the potatoes so they get an even coating of oil and seasoning.

Add the potatoes to your air fryer. This recipe works best if you don’t overfill the air fryer. I’d recommend splitting them into two batches and warming up the first before serving if you make more potatoes.

Fry them at 200° C (400° F) for about 20 minutes. Give them a good toss 10 minutes in to ensure they crisp up evenly.

  • Author: Ivo
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • Category: Side
  • Method: Air Fryer
  • Cuisine: International
  • Diet: Vegan

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