Home » Raspberry Orange Ice Cubes

Raspberry Orange Ice Cubes

A glass of water with fruit ice cubes and a straw stands on a pink wooden base. Next to the glass is are slices of oranges, raspberries and a napkin.

Jazz up your drink with these raspberry orange ice cubes, and enjoy! They are easy to make and look beautiful. They will cool down your drink, add some mild fresh summer notes, look great, and leave some nice bites of fruit when they melt. This is a nice upgrade for a glass of water – let the summer come!

Ingredients for making Raspberry Orange Ice Cubes:

A plate with raspberries stands on a pink wooden base. Behind the plate lies an orange.
  • Water (boiled and cooled)
  • Orange
  • Raspberries

Needed Equipment:

  • Ice cube mould

My cube mould has 14 compartments and is 25cm (9,9inch) in length x 10cm (3,9inch) in width, and 3,3cm (1,3inch) in height. It has a nice silicon bottom making it super easy to get the ice cubes out. You can, of course, also use different ice cube moulds.

How to make Orange Raspberry Ice Cubes:

Here in Germany, our tap water is drinkable, so this is what I’m using today. Depending on your location, use store-bought water or boil the tap water to mould any bacteria that may be present. Then, leave the water to cool and store it in the fridge. Wash the raspberries and put one berry in each ice cube mold. Next, peel the orange and cut out slices. Then, cut them into pieces large enough to fill the space left next to the raspberry. Fill the mould with cold water. Leave some space so the frozen cubes can be removed later easily. Lastly, cover the ice cube tray and place in the freezer for approximately 24 hours.

Prepared ice cube mold for orange-rasberry Fruit ice cubes stands on a pink wooden underground. Behind the mold there are an orange slice and some raspberries.


When the liquid becomes a solid, its volume will increase. If you add too much water, the ice cubes will be sticking together, making it harder to get them out of the mould.

A bottle adds water into a glass with fruit ice cubes and a straw that stands on a pink wooden base. Next to the glass is are slices of oranges, raspberries and a napkin.

These fruity raspberry orange ice cubes are an easy way to make a regular glass of water feel super luxurious. There are a lot of flavor combinations of fruits, herbs, and even veggies to try with these ice cubes. I’ll share some more in the coming weeks!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe for raspberry orange ice cubes. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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Raspberry Orange Ice Cubes

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These raspberry orange ice cubes are an easy way to elevate a simple glass of water. They add some mild flavor and make it extra refreshing!

  • Total Time: 24 hours
  • Yield: 14 ice cubes 1x



14 raspberries

1 orange

200ml water


Wash the raspberries and put one berry in each ice cube mould. Next, peel the orange and cut out slices.

Cut the orange into pieces large enough to fill the space left next to the raspberry.

Fill the remaining space in the mould with cold, drinkable water. Leave some space so the frozen cubes can be removed later easily.

Cover the ice cube tray and place in the freezer for approximately 24 hours.


Leave some space with the water as it expands when freezing. This makes sure the ice cubes can be removed easily from the mould.

  • Author: Tanja
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Freeze Time: 24 hours
  • Category: Ice Cubes
  • Method: Freezing
  • Cuisine: International
  • Diet: Vegan

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