Nothing is quite as refreshing as a mango lassi. It is creamy, sweet, rich, and just overall delicious. While traditional lassis are usually not vegan due to the addition of yogurt and milk, it is easy to make delicious lassis vegan. After some experimentation, I […]
Hummus Hazelnut Cake
This hummus hazelnut cake is delicious, energizing, protein-loaded, and super-healthy! I just love hummus. It is a staple in my diet – so why not introduce it to some desserts? It’s about time to create a sweet hummus cake for all the hummus lovers out […]
Semolina Dumplings (with Roasted Hazelnuts)
These little semolina dumplings like to swim in soups with lots of flavor – but not enough filling carbohydrates. You can add them to any soup, savory or sweet. In this recipe, the dumplings are slightly sweetened and have a layer of roasted hazelnuts, which […]
Sea Buckthorn Popsicles
Since we made our first sea buckthorn jam, we have been huge fans of the taste. This summer, I was curious to see what sea buckthorn popsicles would taste like! Knowing the intensity of this berry, I had to find a fruit partner that would […]
Buckwheat Porridge (With Raspberries)
This buckwheat porridge is a delicious twist to your usual breakfast. It is simple and quick to make, and the buckwheat is a super healthy and satisfying alternative to oats. It has such a satisfying bite. Combined with some raspberries, this breakfast has all you […]
Plum Popsicles
July to October is plum harvest season. Have you ever thought of making plum popsicles from fresh ripe plums? During the harvest, I first thought of making plum cake (German Plum Cake) or plum jam, but I had to try plum popsicles and was surprised […]
Protein Popsicles
Tofu, cashew nuts, oat flakes, and spirulina algae make these popsicles a protein bomb! Spinach as a vegetable and banana also contain some protein, especially for being veggies and fruit! These protein popsicles give you plenty of high-quality plant protein as a perfect guilt-free snack […]
Pumpkin Popsicles (for Halloween)
Knock, knock ‘trick or treat’? This pumpkin popsicles are not for giving away at the door. But they make a great surprise dessert at a Halloween party or dinner. With the typical spices of pumpkin soup and a dash of orange flavor, this popsicle has […]
Halloween Popsicles (with Sesame)
Who dares a scary dessert? These Halloween popsicles are perfect for the holiday season! They are made of sesame and lentils, yuck! It’s hard to believe, but the whole family here found them super tasty and interesting and voted them more than worthy of a […]