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Musabaha pated on beautiful ceramic plate, and musabaha in a clay pot.

Musabaha Recipe

If you love hummus, you probably also love musabaha. Let me introduce you to this fantastic dish. When hummus is the smooth meze, musabaha is its rustic cousin. It’s made from the same ingredients, but instead of turning the chickpeas into a smooth paste, you […]

Manakish with za'atar

Delicious Manakish Recipe

Hey y’all, ready to amp up your breakfast game? Today, I have an absolute dream dish for you: manakish. While some of you might not have heard of this dish before, it’s a classic for breakfast in Lebanon. It’s a pizza-like flatbread with different toppings. […]

Tabbouleh in green bowl

Refreshing Tabbouleh Salad

Today, I got a recipe for one of the most amazing refreshing salads for you: How I like to make tabbouleh, the classic Levantine salad. Tabbouleh, sometimes also called tabouli or tabouleh, is especially well-known in Lebanese and Syrian cuisine. The dish has gained popularity […]