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A glass with ginger melon ice cubes and a straw stands on a pink wooden base. Next to the glass is are slices of melon and ginger roots and a napkin.

Ginger Melon Ice Cubes

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These ginger melon ice cubes give your glass of water a deliciously spicy boost, while the piece of honey melon adds a sweet, fruity refreshment.

  • Total Time: 24 hours
  • Yield: 14 ice cubes 1x



40g ginger root

100ml boiled and cooled water

1 honey melon


Boil 100 ml water and let cool.
Peel and grate the ginger with a fine grater.
Add the grated ginger to a tea filter bag and wring out the ginger juice. Dilute it with the prepared water.
Prepare pieces of melon that fit well into the ice cube tray and place one piece in each of the compartments.
Fill the trays with the ginger water to just under the rim and pop them in the freezer!


These ginger melon ice cubes also work well in alcoholic beverages such as gin tonic or prosecco.

  • Author: Tanja
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Freeze Time: 24 hours
  • Category: Ice Cubes
  • Method: Freezing
  • Cuisine: International
  • Diet: Vegan